Against the Grain
an exhibition from 28.06.2022 to 26.08.2022
from Marie-Luise Steguweit
Place: OSTRALE.Basis | Rethelstraße 45 | 01139 Dresden
Opening hours: Tuesdays to Fridays, 10-17 o'clock | Free entry
Art thinks
Art feels
Art shows
Art irritates
Art questions
Art answers
Art experiences
Art perceives
Art strengthens
Art therapy is an important part of creative therapies. Designing and creating art objects and pictures can have a healing effect. It is not about creating perfect works of art and specifically exploring socio-critical issues, but about gaining or regaining access to the inner self. As a medium to make unconscious parts visible, art therapy reaches for solutions and resources in imagery.
With this exhibition we would like to mediate between people with limited mobility and people without limited mobility. The usual viewing height of 1.50m, which we usually know from art, we want to reduce to 1.30m, to give people in wheelchairs the possibility to take the exhibition in the best possible way.